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Anime Clash Event

Posted: Thursday 08 August 2024

The Anime Clash event is here. This event has an anime theme and adds two time limited troops. This event is available for players who are Town Hall 6 or higher.


Event Starts

Event Ends

Trader Ends

New Event Resource: Magical Crystals

By raiding other players villages in Multiplayer Battles, you’ll be able to collect Magical Crystals and progress along the event reward track. Magical Crystals are gained by destroying three Wizard Towers in each attack.

Wizard Vendor

Throughout the event the Wizard Vendor will be present on the north west side of your village where you can collect additional Magic Crystals (100 per day) and access the event reward track.

Anime Clash: Event Hub

As you collect more Magical Crystals, you progress along the event track, unlocking rewards along the way including Magic Medals, Ores and cosmetics for your village.

Reward Track

Epic Hero Equipment: Magic Mirror

This event introduces a new epic equipment for the Archer Queen: Magic Mirror. This is an active equipment that spawns clones of your Archer Queen.

Magic Mirror

New Event Troop: M.E.C.H.A

M.E.C.H.A is a ground based troop that targets defenses. It has a damage multiplier against walls.


New Event Troop: Broom Witch

Broom Witch is an air unit that is fast moving and spawns Witch Spirits (that target defenses). Her favourite target is Wizard Towers.

Broom Witch

Anime Clash: Event Pass

An Event Pass is available to boost the amount of Ore and Magic Medals you can get by enabling you to claim the rewards from the premium reward track. The Event Pass is available to purchase in game or from the Supercell Store enabling you to purchase multiple and/or gift them to other players.

Use the links above to support the site when purchasing the Event Pass with Code: Ninja

Event Pass

Reward Track

Similar to the Gold Pass, there are two reward tracks, with the free reward track being shown along the bottom and the premium reward track along the top. The following rewards are available:

Amount of Magical Crystals Free Rewards Event Pass Rewards
100 100 Magic Medals 20 Glowy Ore
300 15% Training Boost 500 Magic Medals
600 1000 Shiny Ore 20 Glowy Ore
1000 M.E.C.H.A 1050 Magic Medals
1500 150 Magic Medals 40 Glowy Ore
2000 30% Training Boost 500 Magic Medals
2500 1200 Shiny Ore 40 Glowy Ore
3000 Broom Witch 1050 Magic Medals
3500 350 Magic Medals 40 Glowy Ore
4000 15 Glowy Ore 500 Magic Medals
4750 1300 Shiny Ore 40 Glowy Ore
5500 15 Glowy Ore 10 Starry Ore
6250 400 Magic Medals 60 Glowy Ore
7000 30 Glowy Ore 500 Magic Medals
7750 1500 Shiny Ore 60 Glowy Ore
8500 100 Glowy Ore 15 Starry Ore
9250 450 Magic Medals 70 Glowy Ore
10000 45 Glowy Ore 600 Magic Medals
11000 500 Magic Medals 70 Glowy Ore
12000 150 Shiny Ore 20 Starry Ore
13000 550 Magic Medals 80 Glowy Ore
14000 45 Glowy Ore 800 Magic Medals
15000 600 Magic Medals 80 Glowy Ore
16000 Wizard Vendor Deco 35 Starry Ore

Bonus Reward Track

Once you’ve completed the main reward track, it will be possible to complete the bonus track where you can earn additional rewards. This bonus reward track unlocks only once you’ve completed the entire free reward track.

Additional Magical Crystals Collected Bonus Reward
1000 130 Magic Medals
2000 130 Magic Medals
4000 130 Magic Medals
6000 130 Magic Medals
8000 130 Magic Medals

Total Resources

To complete the event, the following totals are required:

Main reward Track Bonus Reward Track Total
16,000 Magical Crystals 8,000 Magical Crystals 24,000 Magical Crystals

The following Magic Medals are available:

Main Reward Track Bonus Reward Track Total
Free Rewards 3,100 650 3,750
Event Pass 5,500 - 5,500

Be sure to keep an eye on the Clash Ninja social media accounts for any bonus Magic Medals during the event:


Trader’s Event Tab

Once you have collected some Magic Medals, the Trader will be more than happy to take them off your hands in exchange for the Magic Mirror Equipment, Ores, decorations or Magic Items.

Trader Tab
Item Magic Medals # Purchasable
Magic Mirror Epic Equipment 3100 1
Deco: Kawaii Giant 3100 1
10x Starry Ore 320 6
60x Glowy Ore 280 10
350x Shiny Ore 325 40
Deco #1: Cherry Bonsai 1025 1
Deco #2: Chibi Archer 1025 1
Rune of Builder Elixir 3100 2
Rune of Builder Gold 3100 2
Rune of Elixir 3100 2
Rune of Gold 3100 2
Book of Spells 1900 2
Book of Building 1900 2
Book of Fighting 1900 2
Book of Heroes 1030 2
Shovel of Obstacles 1030 2
Builder Potion 590 6
Wall rings 5x 515 6
Power Potion 310 6
Research Potion 250 6
Pet Potion 250 6
Builder Star Jar 200 6
Resource Potion 240 6
Clocktower Potion 150 6
Training Potion 50 6
Anime House Roof 515 1
Anime House Deco 515 1
Anime House Walls 515 1
Anime House Ground 515 1
Gold 90K 15 10
Elixir 90K 15 10
Buying a Gold Pass, Gems or an offer?
Use this button to set my creator code and Supercell will support my work with a % of your spend for 7 days. Thank you!

Use Code: Ninja